Pronouns: he/they
iiwaa is a nonbinary Recording Artist, Performer, Songwriter, and Music Educator representing District 7 of the Gila River Indian Community (Piipaash/Quechan). A former national worship leader and Urban Doxology Songwriting Intern, iiwaa now cultivates space for somatic healing and spirituality through live music performance. Their two award-winning EPs, Dysphoria (2021) and Scared of the Dark (2023) have been featured by the CBC and Grammys Recording Academy. In addition, iiwaa has written for ESPN with work licensed to the WNBA, MLB, NHL, and NBA.
Instagram handle @king_iiwaa
“Learning to Love Myself”
Track No. 1 — 3:37
iiwaa invites us into the first track with a clarion question about a binary plucked from an origin story. Are they like Adam, they ask: formed from the dirt? Or are they like Eve, created from a rib drawn from Adam’s side? And then come the inevitable questions that follow: “Was I born this way? Or when did I decide?”
A simple read of holy scriptures or a simple glance at our faith communities may tell us that there’s no room to question this binary. And yet, God has created a rainbow of humanity with different sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. The serenade that God sings to us precedes us, and this love story is also an invitation to love yourself as God made you.
Says iiwaa, “I hope this song creates space for you to ponder the depth of Creator’s love for you — the way every beautiful, unique thing about you is known and created with intention. Learning to love ourselves is a process, but I hope you can also learn to love the journey there.”
By the end of the song, iiwaa offers us an answer to their question about identity and the binary myth: “I was formed by some grander design.”
Song credits:
Written by: Jay Mercado / Vocals, Guitar: Jay Mercado / Piano, Bass, Guitar, Synth: Kyle Paul Miller / Saxophone: Ryan Wheless / Percussion: Dan Bagley, Peregrin T Forest / Produced & Mixed by: Kyle Paul Miller / Mastered by: David Wilton at Coalesce Audio
Learning to Love Myself
by iiwaa
Which one am I
Formed from the dirt
or drawn from the side
Asking for a sign
Was I born this way
or when did I decide
I can't deny the man that I’ve been
or the person that I have become
Searching for peace of mind, still all that I find is you’ve called me to love
So I’m...
Learning Learning to Love myself
Learning Learning to Love myself
I can't deny the man that I’ve been
or the person that I have become
Searching for peace of mind still all that I find is you’ve called me to love
So I’m...
Learning Learning to Love myself
Learning Learning to Love myself
Learning Learning to Love myself
Learning Learning to Love myself
Which one am I
Formed from the dirt
or drawn from the side
You’ve given a sign
I was formed by some grander design
Check out more of iiwaa music at sorrowcircle.com