My name is Austyn, and I am a gay and spiritual person.
Growing up, life felt like a swirling storm of chaos, like a puzzle missing its crucial pieces. My family was a jigsaw of drama and noise, with no mom around, just me and my dad trying to make sense of it all. Despite the chaos, my dad was my anchor, my safe haven in the midst of the tempest. He taught me the value of resilience, of standing tall even when the winds of adversity threatened to knock me down.
Pronouns: he/him
Photo credit: Austyn archives
Discovering my queerness was like finding an unexpected rainbow after a thunderstorm. The journey was tough, a labyrinth of self-discovery and acceptance. But in the end, my family, mostly, rallied around me with affirming love. Their acceptance meant the world, like rain quenching the thirst of a parched land.
And then I met him, my boyfriend. Our love felt like a constellation of stars, illuminating the dark corners of my life. His presence empowered me, making me feel like I could conquer any challenge. With him, I was living my happiest days, hand in hand, hearts unafraid.
My faith journey was a bit more complicated. I couldn't find solace in organized religion; it felt confining, like trying to hold a waterfall in my hands. I didn't have all the answers, but I knew this: love was real. Love was the thread that wove through all the confusion and uncertainty, a bond stronger than any dogma.
As I stand here today, I'm Austyn, a gay man who believes in love above all. Life's puzzles might still be missing a few pieces, but I've learned that it's okay. Love fills in the gaps, creating a beautiful mosaic of understanding and acceptance.
And so, I hold on to this truth: Love will be the path I take in life.
Photo credit: Austyn archives