My process to reconcile my faith and my sexuality took several years. During these years, despites the pain, God showed me His grace, His care and, above all, His love.
Being a Protestant in Mexico, as in most countries in Latin America, makes us part of a minority. To be a gay Christian in Mexico is to be a minority within a minority.
Pronouns: he/him
Photo of Jacob
On one hand, we have the Church and family expectations to be a good Christian. On the other hand, we have expectations from the LGBT+ community to fight for visibility and our rights. How do we reconcile both aspects of our identity?
What I discovered is that these aspects of my identity are not contrary. Rather, they are necessary to understand our calling in the Church and in society. It is a calling that invites us to walk by faith, being proud of who we are, leaving behind the shame, the lies, and the fear – because God walks closely with us.
I remember the start of my journey when God helped me to reconcile my faith and sexuality. After years of being deeply ashamed of being gay, I searched for the term “gay Christian” online. For the first time, I discovered an affirming Bible study of the scriptures that are traditionally used against gay people. I remember that as the happiest day – a day of indescribable joy.
Throughout the years, I have met more LGBT+ Christians who have helped me grow and question everything that, although it sounds “Christian”, is not really so because it excludes, shames, or hurts others. I discovered that our calling is to tear down every wall of hostility that prevents more people from freely accessing the gift of love and forgiveness that we have received in Jesus.
Today I am happily a member of an affirming Christian church – a church that has actively fought for the inclusion of all people. In this church, I don't have to hide who I really am. In this church, we are not only included as LGBT+ people, but we are celebrated, too. That to me is truly the body of Christ.
Today I pray that each LGBT+ person can find communities of acceptance, growth, and celebration.
Photo of Jacob