My name is Kathryn, and I am a queer Methodist.
A hardship that occurred in my life was when my Dad suddenly passed away in 2021. I still experience grief to this day, even if it may not be as heavy as when it first happened. Nothing led up to this tragedy, because it was so sudden.
Pronouns: they/them
Photo credit: Kathryn archives
My Dad passed away from a heart attack. There’s no way I could have prepared. I was in shock. I was heartbroken. I didn’t know how to move on. However, I have to keep going. I have to be a rainbow in the midst of gray.
I get the opportunity to choose to keep going each day, be a light, and love others because I want to carry my Dad’s legacy. Even though I came out later in life, and never had a chance to come out to my Dad, I know he’d be incredibly proud of the human I am today.
He was very active in his church, and since his passing, I’ve returned to the church and even found my church home. I adore teaching Sunday school, and sending out birthday cards to my church family! I'm so very grateful that my church is a safe space and for my church family. I know without a doubt that I was made in God’s image and that They created me to impact others for Their glory.
All things truly are BEAUTIFUL in Their time, including me, and all my queer siblings.
Photo credit: Kathryn archives